
Key Stage 3

Year 7 (ages 11-12), Year 8 (ages 12-13), and Year 9 (ages 13-14)

Key Stage 3 is the beginning of Secondary education from Years 7 to 9. This next three years of learning will extend the knowledge and skills in subjects taught during Key Stage 2. The programme follows the National Curriculum for England, Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) and the Malaysian National Curriculum enhanced by international themes and languages in Bahasa Malaysia and Mandarin. All subjects at this stage are taught by specialist teachers in dedicated classrooms. 

The following are the academic course handbooks as a guide to your child’s education at Mutiara International Grammar School. Please download the appropriate one for your child’s education needs:- 

The following subjects are part of Key Stage 3: 

In English, during key stage 3 pupils develop confidence in speaking and writing for public and formal purposes. They also develop their ability to evaluate the way language is used. They read classic and contemporary texts and explore social and moral issues. The notion of literacy encompasses the ability to recognize, understand and manipulate the conventions of language, and develop the pupils’ ability to use language imaginatively and flexibly. Teachers aim to guide and coach pupils to tie in the development of oral skills with the parallel demands in written text. English teachers have a leading role in providing pupils with the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to read, write, speak and listen effectively.

Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has been developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s most intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology, and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education, therefore, provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject. Today’s students must master advanced skills in mathematics, science, and technology to stay on track for university and for promising careers. Mathematics teaches ways of thinking that are essential to work and civic life.

MIGS offers Key Stage 3 Science as a combination of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. Years 7, 8 and 9 students study this subject where there are 3 topics that will be taught for Biology, Chemistry and Physics. Science subject follows the national curriculum but the examination is school-based. The syllabus gears students towards the Cambridge IGCSE, wherein students will be able to choose their options in Year 10.

We offer facilities such as the interactive Smartboard, hands-on experiment kits and models for students to try during classroom practicals as part of providing fun and creative ways for students to learn.

History helps students understand the complexity of people’s lives, the process of change, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as their own identity and the challenges of their time. This is at the core of teaching and learning in History. The main aim of studying History at Mutiara is to combine academic excellence with the enjoyment of the subject for its own sake. Teachers place a strong emphasis both on ensuring that all students reach their full potential in terms of examination results and also on the many exciting opportunities for personal enrichment that History can offer. It is important to understand the past, to learn from its mistakes, and to learn to question and debate rather than accept things as they are presented.

History is about learning about real people, what life was like for them and how they have influenced the world we live in today. Without understanding History, we cannot hope to understand our lives now. It is important to bring History to life, to see hear and touch History rather than just read about it. We believe in students becoming actively involved in the lessons through debates, hot seating, role plays, and student-led presentations.

Mutiara aims to provide a quality Geography education programme that inspires students’ curiosity and fascination about the world and its people that will remain with them for the rest of their lives. Geography has become part of our everyday lives and Mutiara teaches students how to cope and excel their knowledge about diverse places, people, resources and natural and human environments, together with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes.

As students’ progress, their growing knowledge about the world should help them to deepen their understanding of the interaction between physical and human processes, and of the formation and use of landscapes and environments.

Students will take this knowledge into key stage 4 and their day to day lives. The world is becoming a global community and we ensure our students will thrive in this new environment.

The increased use of technology in all aspects of our lives makes ICT an essential life skill. Our aim is to help students to understand when to apply these skills purposefully, safely and responsibly. ICT develops students’ independent learning skills and provides them with a range of ways to present and share their knowledge and ideas. Students learn the importance of reflecting on their work and seeking the opinions of others in order to develop their ideas. This subject contributes towards students’ enjoyment and sense of achievement by providing them with powerful tools to support their creativity, initiative and independent thinking. All students use a networked PC, they have access to their own email account and has filtered internet access.

The Information and Communication Technology syllabus for Key Stage 3 is supported by Dynamic Learning. ICT Interact is a new course delivering everything teachers and pupils need for success at Key Stage 3. The series combines digital resources with Pupil’s Activity Books and photocopiable Teacher’s Packs. ICT Interact is designed to help specialists and non-specialist alike deliver effective ICT to pupils at Key Stage 3. The Pupil’s book contains access to digital resources which are perfect for home and independent learning. The book also features activities that are designed for use with students when the IT suite is not available, reinforcing knowledge and understanding.

Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education has been a part of Mutiara curriculum since the academic year 2013/14. In the senior school it is conducted as a 15 minutes lesson every Tuesday at the beginning of the school day. The form tutors are provided with relevant materials by the Pastoral department and the lessons include class discussions and interactive work to maximize student-participation. The programme is designed to help develop our students to become responsible individuals who are respected members of families, social and economic communities. The lessons aim at providing students with the knowledge, understanding, attitudes and practical skills that are necessary to live a healthy, safe, productive and responsible life.

Students acquire an understanding of business skills through visits, talks, independent activities and classroom lessons in a national and international context. Students in Year 9 are challenged and inspired to set up and run “Market Day” to actively apply the knowledge and skills learned in the classroom to a real life business setting. This includes setting up and selling real products and services to their target audience. Students relish the opportunity to express their opinions, inquire, research and get involved in very tangible and current economic and business issues.

Mutiara International Grammar School’s Physical Education (PE) Programme is committed to developing personal wellness and physical fitness. Regular physical activity in childhood and adolescence improves strength and endurance, builds healthy bones and muscles, controls weight, reduces anxiety and stress and increases self-esteem, mood and concentration.

The PE Programme aims to provide students with an appreciation of their individual talents while teaching them the value of teamwork, competition, character, and selflessness. We place emphasis on the correct execution of related skills and encourage respect and good sportsmanship. The Physical Education Department offers different sports which are selected from the British schools’ sports programme. The alignment of PE lessons to the International Schools Association of Kuala Lumpur’s sporting calendar provides a venue to showcase the honed talent and mastered skills of our students.

The sports competition anxiety test and the yearly fitness test are some of the measurements that we use to assess and develop the physical and mental progress of our students.

As students progress through Key Stage 3, they will develop a critical understanding of Art and Design, working both independently and in collaboration with others. They will be provided with opportunities to showcase their work throughout the school as well as at annual Art Exhibitions. Through Art and Design, our main focus is to discover the potential of each child and celebrate the visual artistic achievements of every student.

Students will develop research skills by recording their observations in sketchbooks. They will become proficient at using a range of techniques and media by handling a variety of different materials. The local cultural context of Mutiara is richly embedded in the curriculum as students engage in firsthand research, collecting information from field trips and outdoor education activities.

Students will explore the history of art and design, including periods, styles and major art movements from antiquity to the present day. The library is home to an extensive Art and Design collection for research. They will learn to respect differences by analyzing the work of a wide array of nationally and internationally acclaimed artists.

Mutiara’s focus is placed on ensuring the students are integrally involved in the assessment process. Formative assessment is linked to self and peer assessment activities ensuring students can evaluate their own work, and that of others, in order to strengthen the visual impact or applications of their work. This ensures the students always know how to progress and have clear targets for improvement. By the end of the key stage 3, students will be able to discover their potential to produce creative and original artworks.

Bahasa Malaysia

The Malay syllabus in Mutiara encourages students to develop lifelong skills, including the ability to use a foreign language as a means of practical communication and insight into the culture and civilization of countries where the language is spoken. It is also aimed at creating a positive attitude towards language learning, the speakers of other languages, and other cultures and civilizations. Students will learn techniques which can be applied to other areas of learning, such as analysis and memory skills. It is also a sound foundation for progression to employment or further study. The course consists of reading, directed writing, speaking and continuous writing.

 In year 9, students have the option to sit for IGCSE examination. Following that they will carry on with the subject until year 11.

Communication Malay
Mutiara offers Communication Malay to non-native speakers (non-Malaysians). The aim is for them to have good practice in communicating in Malay and in understanding the fundamentals of the language. Year 7 to 9 students will be studying this subject for two periods per week.

Learning a foreign language provides an opening to other cultures. It helps foster pupils’ curiosity and deepens their understanding of the world. French classes provide opportunities for students to communicate for practical purposes, learn new ways of thinking and read authentic material in the original language. The French program aims to ensure that students understand and respond to spoken and written language from a variety of authentic sources; speak with increasing confidence and fluency through discussion and asking questions, and continually improving the accuracy of their pronunciation and intonation. Topics taught include home life and school, food, health, and fitness, holidays and festivals

At Key Stage 3, students follow the National Curriculum with the view to sitting for the IGCSE in Year 11. Through the use of the most up-to-date information and communication technology, we extend students’ opportunities to enhance their language skills and encourage them to become confident and independent linguists. Our wide range of interactive software and resources, as well as group projects, makes Mandarin lessons very enjoyable and challenging. 

Please note: 

  • Bahasa Malaysia is made compulsory for all Malaysian students; Communication Malay is compulsory for non-Malaysian students. Students are allowed to select an additional foreign language of their choice among French or Mandarin.

Islamic Studies is compulsory for Malaysian Muslim students and is optional to all non-Malaysian Muslim students. Students take the subject until the end of Year 11 and will sit the GCE O Level Examination. The subject focuses on producing individuals who lead a spiritual life, are upright in their behavior, have a caring and loving attitude towards themselves and others, and live harmoniously with nature.

Muslim students are taught the basic fundamental knowledge pertaining to their faith as advocated in the Qur’an and Hadith. Muslim students are also taught the practical aspects of being a good Muslim during Fardhu Ain classes. These classes will focus upon their moral behavior and in the proper manner of performing their Thaharah (rituals of purification) Wudhu (ablution) Shalat (daily prayers) and observing the Sawm (fasting).

Cultural Studies is a subject for all students who do not take Islamic Studies. This subject focuses on the way that society has developed over time and the social conventions that link into this. In studying the British National Curriculum, the focus group for these studies is in the society of the United Kingdom.

Covering topics including Politics, Finances, and Families, subject teachers develop links with the Malaysian way of life and with the different social beliefs and cultures around the world. This gives the students the opportunity to share their own cultures and beliefs so we can celebrate our cultural diversity here at Mutiara. This is to develop a sense of respecting differences not only in our school environment and classrooms but in the individual student for them to take with them in their adult lives.

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